We are an approved University of Birmingham Medical Training site for final year students.
At times you may be offered an appointment with a final year medical student. These consultations are carried out initially by the student alone and will be reviewed by the supervising doctor from the practice. They provide invaluable experience for the fifth year university students and feedback from patients who have seen students has always been very positive. You may also be asked if you would be willing for the consultation to be videoed, the video is used only for training purposes and is not seen by anyone other than the student and the supervising doctor. Any recordings made will not be kept but erased once used for student training purposes.
All your information remains confidential as it would if you were seeing a doctor from the practice in the usual way.
Your consent to be seen by a student or to have the consultation with a student videoed is always requested before the consultation and you will be asked to sign a consent form on arrival at the practice. This is in keeping with the rules set for obtaining consent for any patients to be seen by student doctors as requested by The General Medical Council.