Dr Christopher Wenham
- Male
I grew up in Derbyshire and studied Medicine at the University of Birmingham before training in Ophthalmology (Eyes) for 4 years.
After this time I realised I wanted to be able to practice more holistically and did my General practice training in the Black Country before starting at York House Medical Centre in 2009.
Each week I spend 7 sessions here at York House and 2 sessions working in the Corneal Clinic at Shrewsbury.
My particular clinical interests include Ophthalmology and Palliative Care, but I really enjoy the variety of general practice and particularly value the importance of communication skills. I am also safeguarding lead for the practice.
I perform minor operations including managing in-growing toenails and some eyelid procedures and also perform knee injections.
I have a keen interest in medical education and am involved in teaching final year medical students as well as anyone else that will listen to me waffle on.
I am married with 2 children and outside work I enjoy running (although not as fast as Dr Morton and Dr Alford…), swimming, spinning and rock climbing.