Practice Staff have the duty:
- To accept professional accountability and maintain the standards of professional practice as set by the appropriate regulatory body applicable to their profession or role.
- To take reasonable care of health and safety at work for themselves, their team and others, and to co-operate with employers to ensure compliance with health and safety requirements.
- To act in accordance with the express and implied terms of their contract of employment.
- Not to discriminate against patients or staff and to adhere to equal opportunities and equality and human rights legislation.
- To protect the confidentiality of personal information that they hold unless to do so would put anyone at risk of significant harm.
- To be honest and truthful in applying for a job and in carrying out that job.
- To play their part in ensuring the success of the NHS and delivering high-quality care by:
- Maintaining the highest standards of care and service, taking responsibility not only for the care they personally provide, but also for their wider contribution to the aims of their team and the NHS as a whole;
- Taking up training and development opportunities provided over and above those legally required of their particular post;
- Actively taking part in sustainably improving services by working in partnership with patients, the public and communities;
- Raising any genuine concern they may have about a risk, malpractice or wrongdoing at work (such as a risk to patient safety, fraud or breaches of patient confidentiality), which may affect patients, the public, other staff or the Practice itself, at the earliest reasonable opportunity;
- Being open with patients, their families, carers or representatives, including if anything goes wrong; welcoming and listening to feedback and addressing concerns promptly and in a spirit of co-operation. Staff should contribute to a climate where the truth can be heard and the reporting of, and learning from, errors is encouraged;
- Viewing the services they provide from the standpoint of a patient, and involve patients, their families and carers in the services they provide, working with them, their communities and other organisations, and making it clear who is responsible for their care.
The NHS Constitution (March 2013):
This link contains the following documents;
- The NHS Constitution for England
- Handbook to the NHS Constitution
- Public Health Supplements to the NHS Constitution
- NHS Constitution for England (Easy Read Version)
- NHS Constitution (Easy Read Poster)